Verdi Elementary's 31st Annual Fun Run!

Friday May 17, 2024 


What is a Fun Run?

The Verdi Elementary School Fun Run is our main Spring fundraiser. The entire student body gathers in front of the school and runs (or walks) one mile through the Verdi Lake Estates neighborhood. Many parents and teachers participate and will accompany students on their run. Neighbors join in the fun and cheer the kids on as they go. This is a non-competitive event and we want everyone to have fun! 


How does the Fun Run raise money for our school?

Students will reach out to family, friends, and neighbors to request sponsorship for their run with pledges. This year's proceeds will go toward improving our back field and playground equipment. Please make sure each pledge has the student's name as well as their teacher’s name, so they get credit. Sponsors who submit their pledge online will receive an emailed receipt for their records. The class that raises the most money wins a pizza party!!

This years Fun Run t-shirt design winner is Paige Black!